6 Things To Look For In Your Southern California Investment Property

As a real estate investor, you have a lot of options to choose from in Southern California, California, so how do you choose your next investment? Here are 6 things to look for in your Southern California investment property. Affordability First of all, you have to look for the affordability of the investment property. Right … Continued

5 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure In Southern California

If foreclosure is looming over you like a black cloud on a sunny day, don’t ignore the rain. Open the letters your lender is sending you and see where you are at in the process. Make sure you find your mortgage documents and read them thoroughly to know what to expect when you don’t make … Continued

What Happens To Your Southern California Property After A Divorce?

Divorces are difficult. About forty to fifty percent of marriages ended in divorce last year, and the rate is even higher for subsequent marriages. If you are going through a divorce right now, you are probably wondering what happens to your Southern California property after the divorce. Who Keeps The Property? This is something you … Continued

Who can buy my home with cash in Southern California California?

Selling a home in this tough economy is no walk in the park. If you are facing a foreclosure, then chances are you are grappling with the question, “who can buy my home with cash in Southern California?” Well, fret not! There are several options that you can explore when putting your home up for … Continued